I should have known this was going to happenSo, as most of you know, I'm trying to get pregnant.
The problem is, I don't know how to do anything half-assed, so it's pretty much taken over my life.
This is how I deal with any big change in my life- research.
Before we got Dexter I spent hours reading books about dog training and which breed was Right for us.
I even bought a pet naming book.
Before we even got engaged I started reading bridal magazines. I told everyone I was doing research for work (at the time I was doing wedding cakes), but we all know that was just a lie.
When we finally got engaged, and I started planning the wedding, I spent about 40 hours a week on it.
When we got home from the honeymoon there was this huge void. I just stared at the computer screen thinking "now what do I do?"
When someone I care about gets sick I immediately run to the bookstore and buy all the books on their illness. I then come home and Google away. I've actually had several doctors say to me "Wow. You know more about this that I do."
So, when we decided to start trying to get pregnant, my usual insanity took over.
First (after, of course, HOURS of research on the computer, and tons of books and magazines were read) I bough an ovulation kit and a basal thermometer.
Every morning I would take my temperature and twice a day (I read somewhere that it was better to do it twice a day) I took the ovulation predictor test.
If any of you have even taken an ovulation predictor test then you will probably understand this:
They're IMPOSSIBLE to read. It's not like a pregnancy test where one line means your not pregnant and two lines means you are.
There are always two pink lines. The trick is deciphering which one is darker.
I was constantly running out of the bathroom shoving the little stick in the husband's face saying "Do you think this line is darker than that line? Huh? Huh?"
I finally figured it out and I think I should seriously consider getting a degree in hieroglyphics. IT WAS THAT HARD.
When the tests finally indicated I would be ovulating soon, I dragged the husband into the bedroom. At least that part was fun.
Now, for those of you who know anything about basic reproductive science, It takes anywhere from 12-72 hours after sex for the egg to be fertilized and then another 48-72 hours for the fertilized egg to travel to it's final resting place.
How long did I wait to start taking pregnancy tests?
TWO DAYSI am insane.
All of the literature says the earliest a pregnancy test will work is five days before your expected period. I haven't even reached that point yet and I've already taken SEVEN pregnancy tests.
I'm probably not pregnant. Things never come easy for me and WE JUST STARTED TRYING.
It takes some people YEARS to get pregnant.
I hope I get pregnant soon because I really don't know how to overcome my insanity.
If I don't get pregnant any time soon, well, at least the companies who make pregnancy test will have a good year.
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