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Sunday, November 06, 2005


I'm sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been dealing with a huge family crisis and to be honest, blogging has felt like a chore lately.
When I'm feeling better I will blog about what a great time I had with Tracy and what an AMAZING person she is.
For now feel free to look at Tracy's pictures of her visit with me. Further proof that I am the least photogenic person in the world. (Bucky, there's multiple pictures of the monkey pants.)

Jon Armstrong is still working on my new blog and I promise I will have it up and running soon. I can not even begin to tell you how nice and patient he's been with me and my complete lack of computer knowledge.
If I was him I would have flown to New York and strangled me by now.

I am looking forward to hanging out with Sherri again, on Tuesday.

I owe packages to Kristine, Bucky, Jessica, Nilbo, MRTL, Amanda B., and Nessa (I feel like I'm forgetting someone).
I will try to get my act together and mail them out this week.

I apologize for being such a crappy blog friend in the past few weeks.

Bear with me....

posted by Torrie at Sunday, November 06, 2005 |


Commented by Blogger diana:

Torrie Sue!

I'm not one of your 'regular' blog gals, but, I DO check in on you on a regular basis (reminiscent of Jerry Maguire, you had me at the first post of yours I read - about the insanely hot weekend you went to a wedding last summer. LMAO - anyone who can do that is a forever friend, even if it's just in my own mind ;)).

Sorry to hear the bastards are currently getting you down, but hey, I don't think you should Apologize for it! Life is all about ebbs and flows. Right now, you're Ebbin' man! It happens. Happens to me more frequently than I care for, but, it's all a learning experience, is it not???

Ya do what ya gotta do to keep yourself afloat. Even if that's laying in bed watching tv for 3 weeks straight with the covers pulled up, magazines stacked up next to you, surrounded by empty Ben & Jerry's.
Um.... yeah, I just made all that up on the fly...

Sending you positive vibes, and keep in mind - everything always works out the way it's *supposed* to, whether you realize it at the time or not.


4:49 PM 
Commented by Anonymous Anonymous:

I thought you looked real purty in the photos, girl.

Sorry to hear about a family crisis. Hope things lighten up soon.

6:18 PM 
Commented by Blogger Ern:

Blogging should never feel like a chore. You must only do it when you WANT to. I thought you were really cute in the pictures too. Especially the monkey pants. Heh.

6:41 PM 
Commented by Blogger Annejelynn:

no need to apologize - blog for you and only when you want to ~I'm with Ern = should never feel like a chore

7:08 PM 
Commented by Blogger Katy Barzedor:

Take-a your time, girl. No pressure! You can send me those spare hamster parts any old time.

You just chill where you can and take care of your real life where need be.

8:22 PM 
Commented by Blogger Candy:

I hope you feel better soon lady, lots of smooches to you and I agree with everyone else, blog when you feel like it, we will be here when you get back.

10:15 PM 
Commented by Blogger Elizabeth:

Sorry about the family strife. And unphotogenic? Surely you jest.

9:16 AM 
Commented by Blogger Sarcomical:

you just deal with your stuff and don't worry about us. we all have those moments where sitting at the computer being entertaining is just not at the top of our lists.

*when in doubt post a pic of the dog. that's what i do. ;)

10:15 AM 
Commented by Anonymous Anonymous:

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

1:00 AM 

Seriously, leave me a message! Post a Comment.


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